Claudia Aguilera

“A painting is at its best when you see the soul of the artist and the soul of the subject in one. They both come through, and they both become immortalized.”—Voltaire

My works are a visual expression of how I see the world. When I look, I see colors. Colors appeal to me, they speak, and I express them.

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“American Woman”

Acrylics on canvas

‘‘But I like it ”

Acrylics on canvas


Acrylics on canvas

“Are you Experienced”

Acrylics on canvas

“Creativity takes courage.”— Henri Matisse

To those who rarely create art, it may seem as though the process of creation is easy and comes without any challenges. But, for those of us who know that creating a work of art is rarely simple, this quote by Henri Matisse will likely resonate.

‘‘Zappa the creator’’ -

Acrylics on canvas

‘‘Uncle Phil’’

Inks on photographic paper